I haven't posted in several months, as my life has taken a beautiful turn. I purchased a small acreage, and have been moving and turning the place into Spirit Horse Ranch and Studio, a fulfillment of my life's dream. Two days after closing on the place and frantically making it safe for horses, the most amazing horse was delivered. His name is Renaissance Painter, a sorrel and white Paint gelding I call Renn. After 2 weeks of solitary living, I went in search for a companion for Renn, as all horses need others of their kind. My search led me to Jenny, a small standard donkey, who gives Renn, and me, great joy. A real plus: Jenny is a "guard jenny"; her bloodline leads her to bond with her home and companions, protecting them from anything she perceives as a threat. The coyotes, bobcats, snakes, and other assorted pesky critters have backed off, and Renner has "cooled his chili", as we say in the Southwest!